I can see a Physical Therapist for that??

I am a Physical Therapist who treats women and folks assigned female at birth. When I use the term “female bodies,” I wish to include all gender identities or folks who wish not to identify with gender who have or once had a uterus.

“I didn’t know a PT could help with that! I thought PT was just for injury rehab!”

Physical Therapy (PT) is a broad profession with myriad specializations and settings. I love the short description of Human Movement Expert– human movement can include how we breathe, how fluids flow through our bodies, how we exercise, walk, or even push a baby out!

Human movement can include how we breathe, how fluids flow through our bodies, how we exercise, walk, or even push a baby out!

Rather than go into all that PT could do, I think it’ll be helpful for this community and any new people coming to my side of the internet to see exactly what I can help with. So I have made a couple of lists for you– one is who/what I treat and why you might want to see me, and the other is the treatment modalities I often use.

These lists are not exhaustive but will give insight into whether Engage PT & Wellness could be a good fit for you. I love talking things out with folks, so if you still have questions, book a free “Ask Your PT” chat here!


A few reasons you might want to see me:

  • Pelvic Floor Concerns:

    • Any amount of urine leakage, ever!

    • Pain with sex, urination, penetration

    • Heaviness, pressure in the pelvic region, feeling like you have a tampon in when you don’t, feeling like an organ/ your vagina is falling out

    • Vaginal dryness

    • Deep butt pain, Hip/Back/SI joint pain, pubic bone pain that you feel isn’t being treated or managed

  • Transitions and changes unique to the female body

    • Pregnant/Postpartum: I 100% recommend preventative and preparatory care during pregnancy, even if you do not have pain/issues. We can work on prevention, birth prep, help you deal with the rapid changes happening in your body, and help you exercise safely. Likewise, let’s make postpartum rehabilitation, after any type of birth, the norm! Let me guide you to returning safely to what you love, at any level!

    • Perimenopause/Menopause: If you have reached your late-30s-mid-40s and wondered “What the hell is happening to my body?”, there are some great ways to help you feel and move better and thrive in this season that are way beyond “just eat less and move more.” I am currently a Menopause Practitioner candidate and have devoted time and energy to knowing how to help those in the menopause transition, which can affect us for upwards of 20 years!

  • Surgery recovery

    • Including any surgery seen traditionally as “female”: Cesarean, hysterectomy, abdominal/pelvic, mastectomy

    • Gender-affirming surgeries: The lack of care for those undergoing these surgeries and treatments deserves an entire website. I can help with preparation, rehabilitation and building confidence to return to what you love.

  • Acute Injury- an injury or accident in the last few weeks.

    1. I use modalities to reduce pain and swelling and decrease healing time to get you back to training and doing what you love.

  • Chronic injury or pain and you feel you have tried everything!

    1. I use a holistic approach, up-to-date evidence, and even some unconventional methods to determine everything in your life that could keep you in pain. You might benefit from someone with a different lens!

  • Sport Performance/Readiness: If you are returning from injury/surgery, childbirth, or simply starting your season, I am trained and skilled in return-to-sport testing and training and will help you maximize your performance in your sport or activity.


PT is the gold standard for human movement assessment and movement skill acquisition.


Treatment tools I use and services I offer:

  • Movement/Exercise: From corrective/rehabilitative to performance training, movement and strength are the long-term solutions and gold-standard elixirs for living and aging well.

  • Hands-on/Manual Treatments— soft tissue massage, joint mobilization, fascial mobilization

    • The difference you will see with me is that I’ll ALWAYS follow these passive treatments with active movement that will help these treatments stick.

  • Lymphatic Drainage: This treats acute or chronic pain/swelling.

    • In my practice, I have seen results from decreasing stiffness in chronic ankle sprains to decreasing stress to improving painful periods. 

  • Stress management treatment and coaching: We all have a million stressors. I can give you tools to build resilience which can decrease pain and increase wellness and performance 

  • Return-To-Sport/Readiness Testing: I use evidence-based tests and training to go above and beyond traditional rehab so you return fully ready and confident.


On a last note, I highly value the healing powers of curiosity, connection, and alignment… and I would love to connect with you. If you want to chat, book a free call below or email me at natasha@engageptutah.com. I can’t wait to meet you!

