5 Tweaks to Stop Leaking When You Run

Information on slcpt.com is meant for educational purposes only. The information provided is not meant to be diagnostic and does not replace thorough evaluation and treatment by a medical professional, including that of a physical therapist.

Want to stop leaking with running?

Stress incontinence affects so many women, of all ages, no matter if they've had babies or not! Keep reading to learn about why you might pee with running and how you can start to change it!

It pains me to hear so many women say that they didn't know there was help out there for this issue, or worse, they were told by healthcare professionals or trainers or other women they just have to live with it because they've had babies or they're post-menopausal. For many, it is embarrassing and they don't even bring it up because they feel they are alone...

You are SO not alone... And there IS help!

In my physical therapy practice, I see and treat this issue often. My clients and I have seen great results by assessing the why behind their leaking and addressing this with specific exercises and strategies.

Did you know, Kegels may not be the answer?

You may have had a clue because you may have tried Kegels and they didn't work! This has many reasons.. one is because your pelvic floor muscles may not be loose and weak, they may be tight instead. This means you can do a million Kegels and not only will it not help with leaking, but it might also actually make it worse. Sure, there might be a strength issue underlying, but you need to release tightness and learn to fully relax the muscles before you start strengthening.

Another reason Kegels may not be working, especially for my runners, lifters, folks that use their entire body for their sport/activity, is that you are asking too much of a relatively small group of muscles! Would you blame your biceps for not being able to do a pull-up?? If you think about all the muscles and factors that go into activities, like running, it becomes silly to think, I should just do more Kegels and that'll fix it!

That is why, in my physical therapy sessions, we look at the whole body, how it moves as a whole (strength and mobility), and how you run (techniques and strategies) in order to give you a whole body program to help you increase efficiency, decrease demands on the pelvic floor and decrease leaking!

For some, simply changing running techniques and strategies can help decrease and even STOP leaking!

That is why I put together a FREE DOWNLOAD of tweaks, tips, and helpful videos for you to try next time you hit the trails.


Are you a woman who wants to do the things you love with confidence?

Iā€™m Natasha Fett, Doctor of Physical Therapy. I help active women continue or return to doing what they love, and do it for the long term! I treat you one-on-one by looking at your body/mind/lifestyle as a whole and listening to your goals and expectations to give you the care you want and deserve that fits into your busy life. My mission is to help guide you and ultimately empower you to be in tune with your body and manage your symptoms to do what you love with confidence.

Whether you have been sidelined or slowed down by pain, pregnancy, pelvic floor issues or you are looking to improve your performance, I can help!

If this sounds like you and you live in or near Salt Lake City, UT, click below to get started!