You don’t have to have an issue or be postpartum to benefit from Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy.

Information on is meant for educational purposes only. The information provided is not meant to be diagnostic and does not replace thorough evaluation and treatment by a medical professional, including that of a physical therapist.

You don’t have to wait until you have an issue, or are postpartum, to benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy

Did you know physical therapists can help with prevention of injury/problems too? Did you know we can also help you safely exercise during pregnancy and postpartum?

About half of pregnant people report experiencing low back pain and pelvic girdle pain (think SI joint, hip, groin, buttock pain) at some point during pregnancy. Much of this is due to changes in posture and increased laxity of joints and ligaments. Your body changes A LOT and quite frequently during pregnancy. 

Further, both pregnant and postpartum people can experience different levels of incontinence and prolapse, where the pelvic organs bulge through the vaginal wall, which many describe as pressure or feeling as if something is falling out of their vaginas. 

Did you know Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists can help to prevent/manage issues that commonly occur in pregnancy and the postpartum period?

And know that many doctors/midwives won’t recommend Physical Therapy unless you’re injured or having issues. Even fewer recommend Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy even when you are having problems, therefore especially not for prevention. Historically, the issues that come with pregnancy and postpartum have been over-normalized, telling folks “that is just how it is when you’ve had a baby” and “you just have to live with it.” This is simply UNTRUE, my friends!

You do not have to suffer during or after pregnancy. You deserve better!! 

Did you know Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists can also help you keep exercising, and even start exercising safely during pregnancy and postpartum?

Contrary to what you may have been told, you can absolutely exercise while pregnant. You can even start something new while pregnant (🤯!). Unless there is a medical reason not to, you can do cardio, lift, get stronger, start running, even do vigorous activity and high-intensity exercise. Our recommendation is that you do these things under the guidance of a professional who can help you navigate your quickly changing body and maintain core and pelvic health. 

The same goes for the postpartum period, which is NOT JUST THE FIRST 6 WEEKS, Y’ALL! In fact, those of us who specialize in this area would argue, 

Once postpartum, always postpartum. This does NOT mean you are fragile or broken!

However, special considerations should be made for this significant part of your medical history. We care about your ankle sprain 5 years ago, why not birth history?? This brings me to this point. 

If your physical therapist/ coach/ trainer/ instructor is not asking about your birth history or pelvic health, first tell them they should be and then reconsider who you are working with.

Not all PT/trainers/ coaches are trained in the unique needs of pregnant and postpartum people, and having given birth or worked with some people who have given birth does not necessarily qualify you. Those of us specializing in this area have done hundreds, if not thousands of hours of training to work with this population. 

BUT, rather than leave you with all that doom and gloom, I’m including some resources below for you to find a professional near you that can serve your needs. We at Engage and many of the providers in these directories do virtual sessions as well, in case there isn’t someone nearby you.

Resources for you!

For additional help and resources, please comment or reach out via email



Natasha Fett is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, a Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach and a Certified Pilates Practitioner. Natasha owns Engage Physical Therapy & Wellness in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, where the Pelvic & Orthopedic Physical Therapist help all pregnant and postnatal people, and those with similar issues who have not given birth, continue or return to the activities they love with confidence.

Do you want to do the things you love with confidence?

At Engage Physical Therapy & Wellness, we help you continue or return to doing what they love, and do it for the long term! Our Pelvic and Orthopedic Physical Therapists treat you one-on-one by looking at your body/mind/lifestyle as a whole and listening to your goals and expectations to give you the care you want and deserve that fits into your busy life. Our mission at Engage is to help guide you and ultimately empower you to be in tune with your body and manage your symptoms to do what you love with confidence.

Whether you have been sidelined or slowed down by pain, pregnancy, pelvic floor issues or you are looking to improve your performance, Our PT’s can help!

If this sounds like you and you live in or near Salt Lake City, UT, click below to get started!

One of the common things we treat at Engage is stress incontinence in runners.

Stress incontinence affects so many people, of all ages, no matter if they've had babies or not! Keep reading to learn about why you might pee with running and how you can start to change it!

That is why we put together a FREE DOWNLOAD of tweaks, tips, and helpful videos for you to try next time you hit the trails.